Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Take Care Your Notebook / Laptop

Keyboard and LCD monitors is the notebook components most prone to damage. For example when water is accidentally doused keyboard or monitor scratched during cleaning. Here are some tips to prevent damage to the components of the notebook LCD monitor and keyboard.

LCD Monitor
1. LCD Hinges
If observed carefully, in the folds between the CPU and LCD monitors have hinges that allow the two components were clenched to each other. Be aware that the burden is heaviest in a notebook on the part of the hinge. Therefore, do not give the beat at the time of opening will activate the monitor when the notebook. Vice versa, do not be too hard to close the monitor when finished using the laptop computer. It is unfortunate that his name not be avoided. Therefore, when a crack occurs, immediately fix the authorized dealer. It was intended that the damage does not propagate to other places.
2. Half price notebook
LCD screen is very thin and easily broken, so treat with care and should not be subject to impact, pressure, abrasion can make it damage. Remember about 50% of the price of notebooks is the price of the LCD screen.
3. LCD Cleaning
Then how about a dusty notebook LCD screen? Should it be silenced? Not forbidden to clean the LCD monitor. With time, the screen will be NB dirty and dusty. You can spray a special liquid into the LCD cleaning cloth and rub the screen slowly. Use a soft cloth and not abusive. Do not spray directly into the surface of the screen because the liquid can be melted down and can damage electronic circuits. Do not use plastic or glass cleaner liquid cleaner indiscriminate because they can damage the lining of the protective function to prevent the rays bouncing. If there are no special cleaning fluid, preferably using water mixed with a little soap.

1. Dirt in between the buttons
The location of the keyboard buttons that coincide with each other a bit interrupted often cause dust, dirt, and crumbs lurking on the sidelines of a button. Cleaning the Keyboard Vacuum cleaner is a suitable tool for cleaning dirt and crumbs hidden in cracks crack Keyboard. Another alternative is to spray the air between the keys. Do not shake up and knocked on the keyboard with hard because it can damage it.
2. Liquid doused
Spilling drinks to the keyboard can happen to anyone. When that happens, immediately turn off the notebook, place the tissue paper / cloth napkin over the keyboard and turn it to drain fluid and prevent enter into other components.
In some specific brands such as Acer NB, NB construction allows fluid to flow into the base without damaging the circuit.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rampage Formula III, Reliable PC Motherboard for Gamer

JAKARTA - ASUS pin a series of features and functionality to the PC game in the Republic of Gamers (ROG) Rampage Formula III.

One is through the use of Intel's X58 chipset, which enables support for the fastest processors currently available on the market, such as six-core CPU i7-980X. III Rampage Formula ROG also equipped with Connect for overclocking, high definition audio, optimizing bandwidth for online gaming with GameFirst, and power management options that can be adjusted to the desired performance.

According to the Asus Indonesia, Sunday (22/08/2010) Rampage Formula III is equipped with overclocking ROG Connect interface that has become characteristic of the Republic of Gamers, allowing users to perform remote parameter tweaking the system via a USB connection, using a notebook or PC Other desktop.

Given ROG Connect works on hardware level, can also perform monitoring functions using other systems, so it does not increase the workload, so that the overall ROG Connect enables PCs can be overclocked and can perform the benchmark at its maximum potential. This is ideal for the tuner who wants to compete for the highest value recorded.

As part of the Republic of Gamers product line, continued the Asus, Rampage Formula III also has the advantage of the design is very convenient to many gamers. And indeed since the beginning of this motherboard it is intended to allow for a better PC game and more fun.

Supreme FX X-Fi 2 became standard equipment, with support for EAX 5.0 surround sound and music rendering with THX TruStudio PRO. All of which produce sound with very clear detail of space, giving the impression of greater depth, giving the impression that more and more real space so that gamers get the maximum joy.

To accelerate the time playing online games, Rampage Formula III is equipped with a GameFirst bandwidth optimization, allowing users to prioritize bandwidth availability and continue the download process to continue even once a game, without sacrificing performance. GameFirst help minimize and even eliminate the lag and latency are very important in online gaming.

This is possible with the use of Intel's Ethernet hardware that allows to reduce the workload of the processor while online, so that performance can be fixed at the optimum level, even when it is connected with high intensity.

Gaming PC power management requires a flexible and reliable to be able to maintain performance, especially when it was overclocked. Rampage Formula III claimed to use technology the most reliable and stable power management systems, such as the use of a digital VRM and all-solid state capacitors, allowing the flexibility and functionality required at the time of playing games with high resolution and extreme levels of overclocking.

Choice of components used on the Rampage Formula III has shown itself play a pivotal role as the motherboard for gaming, with the ability to release heat with impressive efficiency. Durability is also the added value offered by this new motherboard, for use with high workloads and long lasting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tips to Reduce the temperature of the Mainboard & CPU

PC Maintenance should include not only software running virus and spyware scans and defragmenting your hard drive. Protect your computer innards are equally important. Protect your computer hardware starting with peace of mind. Too much heat generated from your computer can cause stability problems and damage internal components. Keeping the central processing unit, or CPU, mainboard and cool is very important to preserve and protect the performance of PC hardware.

Desktop Placement
Where your computer is an important role in how to get hot. Keep your computer in a well ventilated area. Avoid putting in a closed area because this will reduce air flow to the computer. Leave enough space behind the PC to allow air out of the back. Also, put your computer in a cooler part of the office or home will help keep the temperature down.

Shares including the CPU coolers are often not enough to keep this unit cool. If you're running a PC with other high heat generating components, such as graphics cards, the temperature will rise and make the stock CPU cooler is not effective. Replace your CPU cooler with fan and heat sink from another vendor. Make sure that the new CPU cooler will fit with the type of processor socket before you buy.
Case Fan
Adding a new component can require additional cooling options. Case fans easy to install and can keep your system cool at low cost. Some computer cases have only a few places where the case fans can be installed. Adding more fans than capable of holding the case will require some modification.
Please note that only add case fans will not guarantee a cooler. Which lies just a little fan will keep the computer more or less cold than many fans are placed.

After the smooth flow of air through your computer case needs. Computers need a cold air flow into and effective so that ventilation air can escape the heat. As mentioned earlier, more fans are not always better. Maximize air flow with fans in the front sucking air while the fan hot air out the rear flow.
Water Cooling
Water cooling is another method of keeping your computer cool. Cooling block can be attached to components such as CPU, mainboard, hard drives and graphics cards. Water cooling systems can be expensive and require constant maintenance. Although difficult to install and maintain, water cooling can keep the temperature down, especially when overclocking, or push your system to its limits

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Take Care of Optical Mouse

Caring for an optical mouse different from the care of the ball mouse, when mouse is usually once a week to open soccer ball and cleaned using alcohol liquid manure which sticks on the ball and swivel wheels. But if my optical mouse is more simple try to guess your mouse around the mouse pad the same condition it was dry and clean the rubber buffer 4 for the mouse at the bottom. Even better you prepare cotton bud and clean the optic with alcohol liquid.

Optical Mouse is a mouse that uses optical lenses to use them. Same equipment used by the mouse ball, but the way her treatment:
1. Open the mouse and remove the existing components in it,
2. Clean the components from dust,
3. If after cleaning the mouse is still broken , bring the mouse to an expert trouble shooting the mouse, but if you can do it yourself then do it.

Solution if the optical mouse pointer moving the motion itself:
1. See the base used for mouse pad, If a lot of different colors who try to exchange with one color of paper for example hvs paper
3. If you're still rocking also try to unplug the mouse connector and then plug again
4. If the mouse pointer still move by itself, try to replace your mouse with other mouse
5. If your mouse still rocking, then computer must be reinstalled because there is an error in the Windows System.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tips Search Something With Google (Google Hack)

Google could be said as one of the largest and most comprehensive search engine in the world, and most Internet users, including in Indonesia would often use this facility. But if we include only the users who directly type in the word / phrase search on its search engine? or a maximum of only using the facilities in quotes? or we have conducted several searches but results are not satisfactory? Is when searching for your pdf file was used by adding a search by filetype: pdf?

Almost all the [top] search engines provide search customization facilities, including google. But most users probably do not or have not utilized this facility. Although the facilities provided very much, at least we know and can use some of the important facilities. For example:
• When looking for two or more words, so that appropriate sentences are written, use quotation marks
• In order not to display the search results with specific words, use the minus sign (-), for example: download freeware, shareware
• We can use google as a calculator (arithmetic, percentage, unit conversion, etc.). Read more here
• To find a particular file search add in filetype: file type. For example: computer tutorial filetype: pdf or filetype: doc
• Search for a definition of the word can be used define. For example: define: blogging
It's only a small portion. To learn more, read on or Google can also download a quick reference guide in pdf form here. If you want more practical, just use google hack. Simple applications to facilitate the search through google.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Recovery Windows XP's file system when it’s missing / damaged

If you've ever experienced Windows system files (like *. dll and *. sys) which is damaged (corrupted) or lost, so that windows can not boot (just displays a message that the file was mising or corrupt xx.dll), then try to follow these steps:

   1. Restart the computer from the Windows Setup floppy disks or the Windows Installation CD
   2. When performing "Welcome to Setup" screen press F10 or press R (Windows 2000 users need to press F10 or R and C).
   3. When shown a list of installation and the text "Which Windows Installation would you like to log on to?", Select a suitable number in accordance with the Installation of Windows you want the repair
   4. Write an Administrator Password and press Enter. If no password, press enter directly
   5. From the display that appears, type the command as follows:
      expand D: \ i386 \ xx.dll C: \ dir_target
      Xx.dll Where is the name of the file is damaged / lost to the recovery, D: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM and dir_target a target directory, then hit enter.
   6. After that, type exit, to exit and remove the CD and restart computer

Friday, August 20, 2010

Prevent virus spread via Flash Disk / Pen drive

With the use of flash is that it is common everywhere, becoming one of the reasons the proliferation of viruses, especially the local virus. This is seen since the heyday Brontok virus. Until today, I often see nearly every computer / laptop in the office friends affected by the virus, which sometimes they do not realize. In addition to constantly updated antivirus should at least once a week, there are actually very useful tips to prevent infectious virus from media such as flash without us realizing it. Here are the steps:

   1. Open the Registry Editor, by clicking Start Menu> Run and type regedit and click OK
   2. Search Location: KEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
   3. Create a new key (Right click> New> DWORD Value) give name: NoDriveAutoRun
   4. Double-click to fill the value (data). Select Base: Decimal Value data and input the value 67108863
   5. If necessary, can also add the same value in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
   6. Computer Restart

With the addition of these settings, so when we install flash, windows will not automatically run the autorun program in flash. For more details, these articles can be searched / read in the tutorial Windows Registry Guides.

User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]
Name: NoDriveAutoRun
Value: 32-bit bitmask

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to remove Lugunay or Yagnuul virus

Lugunay virus is one of the viruses that attack Windows XP. This virus has a low level of damage. Lugunay virus attack files with xls extention (Microsoft Excel Files) by infecting files excel using macros. Lugunay virus usually infects computers that do not have anti-virus or have anti-virus but not updated. The effects of these viruses is, if we send the excel file that had been infected with the virus lugunay to the computer that has the antivirus updates, then sent the excel file can not be opened because it will be directly in the block by anti-virus updates.

Lugunay virus is spread through various media, including through a USB pen drive, file sharing, email, and others. If we open a file that has been infected by the virus lugunay, then all the excel files are opened by us will be infected by the virus lugunay participate.

Here's how to remove viruses lugunay using Symantec anti-virus. The steps are:
1. install Symantec anti-virus and make sure its virus definition has updated, at least with the update last week. Updates can be downloaded from
2. Close all programs currently running, turn off system restore and do a full scan of all hard drive.
3. At the time of scanning for viruses, and Symantec will detect all the excel files on computers that have been infected by the virus lugunay and the file will be corrected by Symantec.
4. Wait until the scanning process is complete and your computer is free from viruses lugunay.
5. If after the scanning process there are several files that can not be repaired then it should be repeated in scanning mode is safe mode.

To prevent your computer is infected again by the virus also lugunay or other viruses, so always update your antivirus.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How to Fix the Blue Screen Of Death in Windows XP

As we all know, windows has a fatal error and the error is known as blue screen or blue screen of death (BSOD). This error can be practically very serious because if an error occurs then the windows screen suddenly turns blue and the computer can not be controlled. The only way to end this error is to restart on your computer.

Before knowing how to fix blue screen error on your computer, we must first know the cause of these blue screen errors. The cause of this blue screen error in general there are two kinds which is caused by hardware and by software. Blue screen error was due to conflict or incompatibility between the hardware from one another, or one with software that other software as well as installation of hardware that is not quite right.

Blue screen error usually happens after we installed new hardware or new software. If this problem (error blue screen) occurred after we installed new hardware, how to fix it is:
1. turn off your pc by pressing the power button on your computer casing
2. open the cover of your pc casing
3. Unplug the new hardware is installed, if the hardware is the module that is installed on PCI slot, remove the hardware from the PCI slot
4. Clean the existing brass pins on the module / card
5. Reinstall the hardware with the right position
6. Turn on the PC

Blues screen appear occurs after you install new software. Usually this happens because the new software we install it into conflict with one previously installed software. To overcome this error we follow the following steps:
1. When the blue screen error appears, turn off your PC by simply pressing the power button on the PC casing
2. again turn on the PC by simply pressing the power button and login into safe mode by pressing the F8 key just before entering windows
3. and select "Safe Mode"
4. after windows login into safe mode, uninstall the program that installed the last time that causes the error pc
5. then restart your PC back into normal mode.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Checking and Correcting Dead Pixel LCD Monitor

For users of LCD monitors, LCD for some time after use, sometimes the dots appear on the screen can not display colors properly. Point on the screen is only visible [light] the same thing as changing the monitor display though. So that often reduces the display quality. Dot in the damaged screen is normal with

Dead Pixel or Stuck Pixel well. How do I know it, and if it appears, is there any way to fix?

Knowing / Check for the existence of Dead Pixels

In essence to check the existence of Dead Pixel easy enough, sometimes we can immediately see on the screen, because of the color pixel that is always the same point with the display screen / all monitor image. Or by making a full picture of the screen with one color only, such as black or white. This way if there is a dead pixel would be clearly visible. If you want to use the software (plus extra features), one can use a free program PixelRepairer. This software has several features, among others:
  • Help find dead pixels
  • Can help repair dead pixels
  • Repair dead pixels can be run without having to stop working with computers
  • Requires no installation (portable)
  • Can handle multiple monitors are installed on your computer

Looking for Dead Pixels

To find the dead pixel with this software, follow the following steps:
  1. Clean the monitor
  2. Run PixelRepairer
  3. If the search button is not active, activate the Search button, the existing loop drawings, top left
  4. If more than one monitor connected, select the one
  5. Choose one color in the color list (Pattern)
  6. Click the Enable button, thus changing the monitor display one color or a pattern.
  7. Check the monitor, if there is a point / pixel having a color other than the selected color, means that there are dead pixels on the monitor
  8. To exit, right click the screen or press the ESC keyboard
If the dead pixel is found on a monitor, remember its position so that it can be done following corrective measures.

Dead Pixel Repair

When the monitor is found dead pixel or a pixel is damaged, can be tried to make improvements to the software above. Steps were as follows (the following steps executed if step Find Dead Pixels previously been executed and the dead pixel already in the know location):
  1. Run PixelRepairer
  2. Click the Repair button (the button / picture second from top)
  3. Add the areas of improvement, with a click on the Add button, so the small box will appear called "Repairer". We can adjust the size by sliding size option at the bottom.
  4. Drag or slide the little box "Repairer" to a position where there are dead pixels
  5. Select operation mode: noise or solid. If the noise does not succeed, try again by selecting a solid option.
  6. Select the size of repair, should include the area contained dead pixel
  7. Frequency set equal to the frequency of the monitor. If not changed, usually frequency 60Hz
  8. If Dead pixels are in some places, add Area "Repairer" other
  9. Minimize the program window
  10. Wait about an hour. Can be use the computer as usual.
Accidental damage is permanent pixel, because it was severe enough that can not be corrected anymore. So that this software does not always guarantee 100% successful. Besides can be used for LCD monitors, can also be used for Plasma TV Pixel. This software runs on Windows operating system and licenses Freeware
(Free). Download (754 KB) or 7zip version PixelRepairer_2.0.0.7z (560 KB)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Knowing the difference between CD / DVD-R + R RW

If we ever buy a CD / DVD blank (empty) or never to save data (burn) to CD / DVDs, we sometimes see there are several types of CD / DVDs that are different, such as CD / DVD-R + R or RW. What do you mean minus and plus signs and the differences of each type of these pieces? Then where should type when we want to use it?

Before discussing about the types of DVDs or CDs, however, here are some common terms related to this case that we should understand it well.
  • Burning, namely the process of storing data to media / disk copies. Called the burning, because we burn (write bits of data) layer in the disk with laser light.
  • Session, a period of time when something happens, here is the files were added on the disk in a single operation
  • Single Session, All files on the disk is added in a single operation
  • Multi-Session, a Session on the disk
In addition there is the term ROM (such as CD-ROMs), which stands for Read Only Memory (read only memory), means that information stored on the disk can only be read only.

What is the difference-R + R and RW?
As in almost all CD / DVD writer can write and read all kinds of DVD formats. It is characterized by the existence of a DVD ± RW logo. So if there is the logo, should have no problem when we select the type-R or + R. Regarding the explanation of this sign as follows:
  • R: the 'R' stands for Recordable own. Here, the disk can be used to store data and vice versa if there is no sign of R, then could not save.
  • -R: Minus sign either a CD / DVD disk is a single session. It means we can not add other data, if already in use, although there are still remaining storage. Sometimes there are storage media that can do Multi-session on the disk type R, but the results are not all the media is able to read, sometimes only the first session is unreadable or absent altogether.
  • + R: Alert Plus is intended for Multisession, meaning we can use that empty space is still available on disk. Each new session can be added at an existing session or create a new session. As a bonus, when the new session is stored, can be ordered to "remove" the old session. Delete it means ordering a media player to disregard the contents of the data.
  • RW: stands for rewritable, meaning that this disk using special material so that data can be deleted later used to store new data or can also be stacked with other data. There are certain restrictions on how much (time) data deletion can be done.
Also DVD + R has several advantages, such as more accurate at higher speeds than DVD-R, then also a better error management, and the results of burning (storage) data have smaller levels of damage.
See the difference above, then the DVD + R has advantages over DVD-R, so the price is usually more expensive and has several advantages. But since the first DVD-R is present (5 years) than the DVD + R, then this format is frequently used sometimes (more support to the older media player).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tips, When your printing documents become stuck

For those of us who frequently print documents with the printer or whatever, sometimes stubborn problems of his process of printing. When printing several documents, then the first document failed (error) is usually the printer stops printing, the queue data will not be removed and sometimes the computer must be restarted to begin printing again. 
The process can print to the printer stopped for various reasons, such as data corruption when sent to a printer or printing process that is incomplete in send applications but can not be deleted. So that the print queue will not be able to run next. This is usually known by the term stalled / Stuck Print Job. 
To overcome these problems, we can remove the list of queues that can not be printed (print) with the manual method as follows: 
  1. Open the Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Services 
  2. Search "service" whose name and then right-click Print Spooler and select Stop. Do not be closed before the window Service 
  3. Open the Windows system folder, usually in the C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ spool \ Printers 
  4. Delete all files in the folder. Usually file with the extension *. SPL and *. SHD 
  5. After all removed, such as step number two, but right-click Print Spooler and select Start 
  6. Repeat the process of printing documents 

In addition to the above ways, there is another easier way, using software called stalled Printer Repair. With stalled Printer Repair, we can delete all the queues at the printer list, then repeat the printing process without having to restart the computer. Some features of this application include: 
  • Detect stalled Print Jobs 
  • Delete all queue that can not be in print. 
  • Applications are portable, no need to install and do not write in the registry 
Stalled Printer Repair (346 KB). How to use it very easily. After downloading, simply unzip and run the program. If there is a queue in the print it will appear on the program. Then if you want to delete all the queue, click Purge Print Jobs. Furthermore, we can repeat printing process.
Download Stalled Printer Repair here.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Maintain Flashdisk to be More Durable

No doubt that the flash media is now most often used to save the data very easy to carry everywhere. But few who watched this flash problem. Perhaps because of the capacity to large (Gigabyte), then all data is entered, and every moment is installed in a computer is like a mini hard drive. In fact there are hundreds of content not only data, but thousands of data.

Few people know that the flash has a life, like fluorescent lamps which have a life (eg hold until 5000 hours). Nor flash. But what age the size of the flash? How to use flash to make it more durable / durable? what important things to note about the flash?

Some of the things that became characteristic Flashdisk

Some things may need to know about the flash (pure USB Flash disk, not MP3/MP4):
    * USB Flash Disk can only be activated if there is electrical current that can be obtained via the USB port.
    * Some Flash Disk or currents require greater power than others, so sometimes it must be plugged directly on the motherboard port (without cable connection and not a port on the front) to be detected.
    * Flash Disk can not be read if the cable used was too long, because the current is usually less powerful.
    * Flash Disk has the age / lifetime, like 100 000 read / write or resistance to 10 years.
    * Read access speed is faster than writing in the flash. For example to read 16 MB / s while writing 4 KB / s (one and others vary)
    * File system commonly used is FAT or FAT32, because it can be accessed almost anywhere that supports the USB port. Though can be formatted in accordance with the operating system type, such as NTFS.
    * Defragment files on flash is not needed and did not influence the speed of access, because flash is using a type of Random Access Memory.

How to secure the data therein?

Seems the only way to encrypt data in the flash disk. Although nowadays when buying a flash disk is included software that can lock (lock), but still can not open an existing computer software. USB Flash disk is not damaged although the possibility of wet or even submerged, the origin is dried before being used first.

Tips for Using a more durable Flashdisk

    * Do not save files that are very much into the flash, if possible better in the zip. As more and more to save the file then the process will also write more flash, so its age is also rapidly decreasing.
    * If not very important, avoid directly editing the flash. Alternatively copy the data on your computer, then edited and after returning the copy to Flashdisk.
    * If not worn / used, remove the stick from the computer.
    * Always try to remove the stick from the computer through the "Safety Remove Hardware" and avoid the immediate release when in the process read / write, because it could have been damaged by an electrical current.

Flashdisk with one another has the age and speed vary. One more tips when buying flash, do not just look at the price, but also a guarantee, if more expensive but guarantees little longer, then select a longer warranty.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to improve Windows XP performance

1. Defragment Your Computer - This will place the same files physically closer on the hard disk and will help increase the speed of the load.
  • Click Start, once again, run and then click.Type, "dfrg.msc" into the text field.
  • Click Defrag to start it.

 2. Perform a disk clean.
  • Click start at the bottom left corner, then click run.
  • Type, "cleanmgr.exe" into the text field.
  • Press "OK". It can take a while if you've never done before.

3. Make Windows Load Faster
  • Click Start, then Run.
  • Type 'msconfig' and press enter.
  • Click on the BOOT.INI tab at the top.
  • To the right will have a box labeled Timeout with 30 in it. Change 30 to third.

4. Set Pagefile size
  • Click Start, (Settings), Control Panel, System. (It's like a step above this.)
  • Open the Advanced tab. Click the Settings button under Performance.
  • Now switch to the Advanced tab, then click 'Change' under Virtual Memory.
  • You will see 'Initial Size (MB)' and Maximum size (MB) '.
  • Change 'initial size' with the same value and then click set as a 'Maximum Size'.
  • NOTE: When your computer is consuming your computer's hard drive and use it as RAM, is referred to as a blow. Thrashing is bad for your computer and buy a RAM (not expensive) is far more valuable.

Monday, August 2, 2010

EliteBook 8740W: Notebook With NVIDIA Quadro Fermi

HP re-affirm its status as one of the largest notebook manufacturer and the first to implement the latest technology with the release of new notebooks for the professional segment. This notebook called EliteBook 8740W equipped with NVIDIA Quadro FX 5000m.

EliteBook 8740W is designed for 17-inch size and this machine has a very strong case to protect it from extreme temperatures, humidity and resistant to impact. As the center of computing, the notebook is equipped by an Intel Core i7 Extreme Edition supports a maximum of 16GB of RAM.

NVIDIA Quadro FX 5000m which was alluded to earlier, has a number of core pieces 320 and 2GB of GDDR5 memory. As information, vga card specification is deducted from the desktop version which has a core of fruit and 352 DDR5 memory of 2.5GB.

"In recent decades, the Quadro is the choice of professionals. We have also built like Axe Engine to support the latest generation of manufacturing applications. When you marry the two technologies is the Fermi architecture, the result is the latest version of Quadro performance that has many times more than anything on the market today, "straightforward Jeff Brown, general manager of NVIDIA Professional Solutions Group.

The statement was the latest HP notebooks reinforce these skills, this course will be a powerful solution for professionals to support their performance.
Unfortunately HP has not officially announced the availability of this product on the market, so that the professionals still have to wait to taste this powerful notebook. Still on the sale price, HP predicted this fairly expensive with prices around $ 2,676.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Desktop Gaming Acer Predator AG 7750

Although more famous for this Acer laptop products, but they do not close themselves to the development of PC Desktop.
Acer recently introduced the newest line of Predator series aimed at hardcore gamers class. The latest series of coded AG7750 has a design that looks very fierce, and all components are assembled inside a high specification to meet the needs of hardcore gamers.
AG7750 Predator highend assembled using components such as Intel Core i7-930 with 8MB cache and is supported with a capacity of 9GB DDR3 RAM. For business graphics processing, AG7750 Predators handed it over to the Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 with an option to the combination of 3-Way SLI. Not only that, the storage business is also provided adequate relief with four hard disks, each of which can be selected until the capacity reaches a maximum capacity of 2TB to 8TB.
Other advanced technologies to complement the multimedia side is the 7.1 channel audio, Creative THX TruStudio PC, and technology and EAX 5.0. To keep all the inside high-end components are not overheated, AG7750 Predators armed with two pieces of liquid cooling systems.
Susan Hu, Acer Desktop Canadian Marketing Manager stated, "With a powerful performance and the design of the stern, AG7750 Predator is designed to meet the needs of hardcore gamers who need stunning graphics and audio quality of the performance. In addition, AG7750 Predator upgrade also provides a wide space, so the hardcore gamers that are still not satisfied with the existing performance can increase it again. "
Currently in some countries Acer Predator AG7750 is already available, one of which is Canada with a price tag $ 1,799 CAD.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

ASUS Design a Monster Graphics Card "MARS II"

Nvidia is not sure when it will make a dual GPU graphics card based Fermi, but does not prohibit its partners, to create your own dual-GPU graphics cards Fermi. Partner, who already seems to have the design itself is ASUS. Can be sure the graphics card price will be very expensive with very large electric consumption.
ASUS is reportedly in the project making dual GPU graphics card, called MARS II. This graphics card is believed to be combining two of the fastest graphics card, the GeForce GTX 480. This graphics card is designed by combining two pieces GTX 480 chip in a single PCB. This monster will have a 2x388-bit memory interface, not less than 960-core CUDA, and 3GB of GDDR5 VRAM.
Basically, this monster has a high ability to sweep away all the DirectX 11 graphics card that already exists. With high ability is certainly not surprising that the MARS II requires a very large power, with high temperatures.
MARS II not only has one or two power connectors, but the three 8-pin power connector as well. More stunning again, ASUS ensure that MARS MARS II can be combined with other II, enabling the combination of Quad SLI. For cooling affairs, until now not known how large and how their shape. As usual, the available display connector still supports DVI, HDMI and Display Port.
Now we just wait it out, when this monster graphics cards will be available in the market. Given the very high capacity and price ASUS previous MARS, MARS II is estimated to cost above U.S. $ 1,000.