Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to Take Care Your Notebook / Laptop

Keyboard and LCD monitors is the notebook components most prone to damage. For example when water is accidentally doused keyboard or monitor scratched during cleaning. Here are some tips to prevent damage to the components of the notebook LCD monitor and keyboard.

LCD Monitor
1. LCD Hinges
If observed carefully, in the folds between the CPU and LCD monitors have hinges that allow the two components were clenched to each other. Be aware that the burden is heaviest in a notebook on the part of the hinge. Therefore, do not give the beat at the time of opening will activate the monitor when the notebook. Vice versa, do not be too hard to close the monitor when finished using the laptop computer. It is unfortunate that his name not be avoided. Therefore, when a crack occurs, immediately fix the authorized dealer. It was intended that the damage does not propagate to other places.
2. Half price notebook
LCD screen is very thin and easily broken, so treat with care and should not be subject to impact, pressure, abrasion can make it damage. Remember about 50% of the price of notebooks is the price of the LCD screen.
3. LCD Cleaning
Then how about a dusty notebook LCD screen? Should it be silenced? Not forbidden to clean the LCD monitor. With time, the screen will be NB dirty and dusty. You can spray a special liquid into the LCD cleaning cloth and rub the screen slowly. Use a soft cloth and not abusive. Do not spray directly into the surface of the screen because the liquid can be melted down and can damage electronic circuits. Do not use plastic or glass cleaner liquid cleaner indiscriminate because they can damage the lining of the protective function to prevent the rays bouncing. If there are no special cleaning fluid, preferably using water mixed with a little soap.

1. Dirt in between the buttons
The location of the keyboard buttons that coincide with each other a bit interrupted often cause dust, dirt, and crumbs lurking on the sidelines of a button. Cleaning the Keyboard Vacuum cleaner is a suitable tool for cleaning dirt and crumbs hidden in cracks crack Keyboard. Another alternative is to spray the air between the keys. Do not shake up and knocked on the keyboard with hard because it can damage it.
2. Liquid doused
Spilling drinks to the keyboard can happen to anyone. When that happens, immediately turn off the notebook, place the tissue paper / cloth napkin over the keyboard and turn it to drain fluid and prevent enter into other components.
In some specific brands such as Acer NB, NB construction allows fluid to flow into the base without damaging the circuit.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rampage Formula III, Reliable PC Motherboard for Gamer

JAKARTA - ASUS pin a series of features and functionality to the PC game in the Republic of Gamers (ROG) Rampage Formula III.

One is through the use of Intel's X58 chipset, which enables support for the fastest processors currently available on the market, such as six-core CPU i7-980X. III Rampage Formula ROG also equipped with Connect for overclocking, high definition audio, optimizing bandwidth for online gaming with GameFirst, and power management options that can be adjusted to the desired performance.

According to the Asus Indonesia, Sunday (22/08/2010) Rampage Formula III is equipped with overclocking ROG Connect interface that has become characteristic of the Republic of Gamers, allowing users to perform remote parameter tweaking the system via a USB connection, using a notebook or PC Other desktop.

Given ROG Connect works on hardware level, can also perform monitoring functions using other systems, so it does not increase the workload, so that the overall ROG Connect enables PCs can be overclocked and can perform the benchmark at its maximum potential. This is ideal for the tuner who wants to compete for the highest value recorded.

As part of the Republic of Gamers product line, continued the Asus, Rampage Formula III also has the advantage of the design is very convenient to many gamers. And indeed since the beginning of this motherboard it is intended to allow for a better PC game and more fun.

Supreme FX X-Fi 2 became standard equipment, with support for EAX 5.0 surround sound and music rendering with THX TruStudio PRO. All of which produce sound with very clear detail of space, giving the impression of greater depth, giving the impression that more and more real space so that gamers get the maximum joy.

To accelerate the time playing online games, Rampage Formula III is equipped with a GameFirst bandwidth optimization, allowing users to prioritize bandwidth availability and continue the download process to continue even once a game, without sacrificing performance. GameFirst help minimize and even eliminate the lag and latency are very important in online gaming.

This is possible with the use of Intel's Ethernet hardware that allows to reduce the workload of the processor while online, so that performance can be fixed at the optimum level, even when it is connected with high intensity.

Gaming PC power management requires a flexible and reliable to be able to maintain performance, especially when it was overclocked. Rampage Formula III claimed to use technology the most reliable and stable power management systems, such as the use of a digital VRM and all-solid state capacitors, allowing the flexibility and functionality required at the time of playing games with high resolution and extreme levels of overclocking.

Choice of components used on the Rampage Formula III has shown itself play a pivotal role as the motherboard for gaming, with the ability to release heat with impressive efficiency. Durability is also the added value offered by this new motherboard, for use with high workloads and long lasting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tips to Reduce the temperature of the Mainboard & CPU

PC Maintenance should include not only software running virus and spyware scans and defragmenting your hard drive. Protect your computer innards are equally important. Protect your computer hardware starting with peace of mind. Too much heat generated from your computer can cause stability problems and damage internal components. Keeping the central processing unit, or CPU, mainboard and cool is very important to preserve and protect the performance of PC hardware.

Desktop Placement
Where your computer is an important role in how to get hot. Keep your computer in a well ventilated area. Avoid putting in a closed area because this will reduce air flow to the computer. Leave enough space behind the PC to allow air out of the back. Also, put your computer in a cooler part of the office or home will help keep the temperature down.

Shares including the CPU coolers are often not enough to keep this unit cool. If you're running a PC with other high heat generating components, such as graphics cards, the temperature will rise and make the stock CPU cooler is not effective. Replace your CPU cooler with fan and heat sink from another vendor. Make sure that the new CPU cooler will fit with the type of processor socket before you buy.
Case Fan
Adding a new component can require additional cooling options. Case fans easy to install and can keep your system cool at low cost. Some computer cases have only a few places where the case fans can be installed. Adding more fans than capable of holding the case will require some modification.
Please note that only add case fans will not guarantee a cooler. Which lies just a little fan will keep the computer more or less cold than many fans are placed.

After the smooth flow of air through your computer case needs. Computers need a cold air flow into and effective so that ventilation air can escape the heat. As mentioned earlier, more fans are not always better. Maximize air flow with fans in the front sucking air while the fan hot air out the rear flow.
Water Cooling
Water cooling is another method of keeping your computer cool. Cooling block can be attached to components such as CPU, mainboard, hard drives and graphics cards. Water cooling systems can be expensive and require constant maintenance. Although difficult to install and maintain, water cooling can keep the temperature down, especially when overclocking, or push your system to its limits

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Take Care of Optical Mouse

Caring for an optical mouse different from the care of the ball mouse, when mouse is usually once a week to open soccer ball and cleaned using alcohol liquid manure which sticks on the ball and swivel wheels. But if my optical mouse is more simple try to guess your mouse around the mouse pad the same condition it was dry and clean the rubber buffer 4 for the mouse at the bottom. Even better you prepare cotton bud and clean the optic with alcohol liquid.

Optical Mouse is a mouse that uses optical lenses to use them. Same equipment used by the mouse ball, but the way her treatment:
1. Open the mouse and remove the existing components in it,
2. Clean the components from dust,
3. If after cleaning the mouse is still broken , bring the mouse to an expert trouble shooting the mouse, but if you can do it yourself then do it.

Solution if the optical mouse pointer moving the motion itself:
1. See the base used for mouse pad, If a lot of different colors who try to exchange with one color of paper for example hvs paper
3. If you're still rocking also try to unplug the mouse connector and then plug again
4. If the mouse pointer still move by itself, try to replace your mouse with other mouse
5. If your mouse still rocking, then computer must be reinstalled because there is an error in the Windows System.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tips Search Something With Google (Google Hack)

Google could be said as one of the largest and most comprehensive search engine in the world, and most Internet users, including in Indonesia would often use this facility. But if we include only the users who directly type in the word / phrase search on its search engine? or a maximum of only using the facilities in quotes? or we have conducted several searches but results are not satisfactory? Is when searching for your pdf file was used by adding a search by filetype: pdf?

Almost all the [top] search engines provide search customization facilities, including google. But most users probably do not or have not utilized this facility. Although the facilities provided very much, at least we know and can use some of the important facilities. For example:
• When looking for two or more words, so that appropriate sentences are written, use quotation marks
• In order not to display the search results with specific words, use the minus sign (-), for example: download freeware, shareware
• We can use google as a calculator (arithmetic, percentage, unit conversion, etc.). Read more here
• To find a particular file search add in filetype: file type. For example: computer tutorial filetype: pdf or filetype: doc
• Search for a definition of the word can be used define. For example: define: blogging
It's only a small portion. To learn more, read on or Google can also download a quick reference guide in pdf form here. If you want more practical, just use google hack. Simple applications to facilitate the search through google.